DIY Housewarming gift


For housewarming parties I usually give mugs (nothing that sucks with lame taglines or nakedness, I promise). But I made an exception for the last one, and I am actually glad I did  because mugs were not exactly a missing item there, you almost felt that the poor chap with a terrible hangover who was about to open any cupboard for a coffee would instantly die in a mug avalanche.

Mill-knitted hang(ov)ers are both quite classical but fun at the same time. And it is a really quick knit, even if you add pom poms. All you need is a spool knitting or a knitting mill, simple wire hangers and pliers to untwist the top of your hanger. Then you just knit a looong tube, slightly longer than the total hanger length (just to be sure and it is easy to undo), untwist the wire and slip the tube on the wire. A mill-knitted tube does not slip very smoothly, but beginning with the hook makes it way easier (you can tug and thread your yarn tube at the same time).

For a fancy touch, I just added a couple of pom poms which doubtlessly adds a manly detail to this housewarming gift.

I used to do my pom pomps by coiling yarn around two fingers or around my hand, but I must say that these babies:

definitely make it easier for super (well-defined) balls ! It is the ideal option between the makeshift pom pom (hand/fork) and the cardboard disc thing that most people did when they were kid (here I must confess that pom pom making is sadly not part of my childhood memories).



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